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Our CSR commitments 

Tonnellerie Orion wishes to take a pioneering role in environmental, social and societal issues in the field of barrel manufacturing and the world of wine in general. Orion is committed to conducting its business in accordance with the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) guidelines of ISO 26000.

Orion, the 1st cooperage with the "Committed to CSR" label

Our CSR approach is recognized by AFNOR Certification after obtaining the label"CSR Committed" confirmed level in April 2023. 


This assessment, carried out by an independent third party, enabled us to structure our CSR strategy by integrating all the internal and external issues specific to our activity. This label is also a mark of trust for our stakeholders.   


Franck Monteau, President of Tonnellerie Orion

Cooperage activity is impacted by societal expectations and environmental changes. It is also doubly dependent on the wine industry and the wood industry. Today these systems show their limits: the decline of the vines and the oak will lead to a reorganization of the territory. CSR shows its full importance in the quality of support for this transition.

1. Producing our barrels sustainably

Our commitments :

  • Improve customer satisfaction

  • Implement a responsible purchasing policy and promote sustainable development actions within our value chain

Our 2022 carbon footprint

The carbon footprint is a tool that makes it possible to calculate all of a company's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Thanks to the results obtained, we were able to have an idea of the carbon footprint that our activity has on the environment, more particularly with regard to global warming. 

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Return of country hedges in vineyards 

Long uprooted on behalf of mechanization and profitability, hedges are now making a comeback in French vineyards.

For Orion, the aim is to support winegrowers in the face of climate change by planting hedgerows, which offer numerous advantages (biodiversity, protection against frost, wind and pests).


  • 1,5 km of hedgerows planted in 3 vineyards since 2022


These projects are carried out in partnership with Climat Local, which offers companies the chance to offset their residual GHG emissions by financing local projects.

Our engagements :

  • Improve the satisfaction of our customers

  • Conduct a responsible purchasing policy and promote sustainable development actions within our value chain

2. Guarantee quality and innovate

The "Engaged Winegrowers" label,
1st CSR label for the wine sector in France

Since 2023, we have joined the "Vignerons Engagés" association as a partner in order to work as closely as possible with our stakeholders, in a common and collective dynamic.  

3. Improve living together

Our engagements :

  • Guarantee the safety and improve the well-being at work of all our employees 

  • Developing the CSR culture internally 

Improved working conditions

Occupational health and safety are at the heart of our concerns and actions towards our employees. 


3% of turnover invested in 2022 which enabled: 


  • to improve the ergonomics of several workstations 

  • to strengthen Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) with the purchase of exosquettes to relieve staff when loading barrels

  • further develop the internal safety culture





Our engagements :

  • Sustaining our know-how by developing work-study training 

  • Supporting our employees in developing their skills 

4. Sustaining our know-how

Partner of the Rugby French Flair association

The Orion cooperage is working alongside Rugby French Flair to support young people in precarious situations.
Whether on the sidelines or on the other side of the world, we come together to bring the values of rugby to life to help those in need.

People at the heart of our projects

Passion & Sharing

Open days for DNO students from Toulouse

Every year, we are happy to open our doors to DNO students to present our craftsmanship and pass on our passion. 

Apprenticeship training

To meet the need for renewal, our cooperage opens an apprenticeship every two years to train in the profession of cooper. 

Partner of the Handirugby Association of St-Jory

For several years, we have been happy to sponsor the Saint-Jory Handirugby Association. Supporting this association is a way for us to promote and develop competitive physical and sporting activities for everyone.  

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